Justice Olabisi Akinlade of an Ikeja High Court on Tuesday December 15, 2020, refused the post-conviction bail application filed by Oladele Ogundipe, a televangelist, popularly known as ‘Genesis’ and the head of the ‘Genesis Parish of the Celestial Church of Christ’, Alagbado, Lagos.
Dele Ogundipe popularly known as Genesis was on November 18, 2020, sentenced to a year in prison after being found guilty of the offences of conversion of property not delivered and stealing.
The televangelist, however, in a motion on notice for bail pending appeal asked the court for an order, admitting him to unconditional bail pending the hearing and determination of the appeal of his sentence.
Akinlade dismissed the application which was brought pursuant to Section 6(6) of the Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 as amended paving way for the convict to continue serving his sentence at the Kirikiri Correctional Centre.
In a 16-paragraph affidavit sworn by his counsel, Mr Olanrewaju Ajanaku which is in support of his bail application, the televangelist said he was suffering from diabetes.
He noted that he could not follow a strict diet and the constant specialised medical attention in custody and this has taken a toll on his health making him be gaunt in appearance.
He also noted that prior to his incarceration, he was suffering from hypertension, peptic ulcer and unending malaria which had worsened his health challenges since his November 18 conviction.
The state in its counter-affidavit which was sworn by the prosecutor Mrs Rotimi Odutola prayed the court to refuse the application of the convict.
She noted that the trial had spanned several years and there was never a time the convict complained about his state of health.
Odutola said, “it is now he is alluding to facts about his alleged state of health now that he has been in custody for barely three weeks.”